Can I pay to be featured on ausbiz?

No. There are lots of businesses which will charge a fee to create content with you and distribute it to an audience. We don’t want to blur the lines between journalism and advertising. Particularly in times like these, we want our audience to have confidence that the guests appearing on our channel have not bought their way on to try and sell something. Our only goal is to provide sensible, credible information to the ausbiz audience.

Why am I being asked to pay afterwards?

At ausbiz, our business model is different from most media companies. We don’t charge our users to watch the channel, which means we can grow our audience quickly. We believe that the credible, quality content we’re producing has a value and so we ask you to pay a fee to use it. To be clear, there is no requirement or expectation that you will purchase a video of your interview once you have appeared on ausbiz. And, your decision whether or not to purchase will have no bearing on whether we invite you again.

If I buy the video, how can I use it?

If you purchase an MP4 copy of your interview you’re free to publish it to your own website, or to your social accounts such as LinkedIn or YouTube. We’ll send you a link where you’ll have the ability to download a high resolution version.

Won’t my interview be in the ausbiz app anyway?

It’s quite possible your interview will be published as catch-up content on our website and app and if that’s the case, we’d love you to share that link with your network. We can’t guarantee it will stay up forever, and you should note if you share a link to our website only logged in ausbiz subscribers will be able to view it.

Can I edit the video?

We understand that you may prefer to publish a shorter version of your interview. If you purchase an MP4 interview you may edit it into a shorter segment before publishing. We do have one restriction; you’re not permitted to edit the content in such a way that it changes the meaning of either the questions being asked by our presenters, or the answers you have given.

Can I show the video in public?

Yes. You may show the video at events, or onsite at your office.

What about advertising?

What we are licensing you is the ability to publish and/or share your video, provided it has not been edited in such a way that it changes the meaning of the content. The license also allows you to boost/sponsor the interview if you publish it to your social media channels. The license does not allow you to use parts of the content from your interview to create an advertisement. The license does not allow you to present the content in any form so as to expressly state or imply that your appearance on ausbiz is an endorsement by us of your business, product or service

You can read more including our full Terms and Conditions here.