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By clicking on the FOLLOW icon you can start to be very specific about the kind of content which interests you. If, for example, AgTech is your thing, select TOPICS and then + Add at topic. Type in AgTech and follow it. You’ll see as soon as you start typing an extensive list of asset classes and themes, you can select as few or as many to follow as suits you. If you’re interested in following specific companies, search for them under the COMPANIES tab and give them a follow. Each time we publish content relating to a company (listed or unlisted) we’ll create a company profile to make it easy to search and find the businesses of interest to you.
Once you’ve selected themes and topics to follow, you can elect to be notified about them if they’re discussed on ausbiz. We won’t inundate you with notifications, instead at the end of each day we’ll let you know how many themes and companies you follow were mentioned so you can easily catch up on content you’ve missed. To enable notifications, click on the MENU tab, then SETTINGS, and NOTIFICATIONS. Toggle on Breaking News, Daily Wrap… or both.